Sadie Levine is an Illustrator and Arts Educator currently pursuing an MFA in Illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. She holds a B.Sc. in Psychology and a B.Ed. in Primary/Junior Education.
Through her artwork, Sadie constructs a world infused with magic and wonder, drawing things how her inner child sees them. While the childhood imagination is capable of producing enchanting imagery, there is another side to it. Children often fear imaginary forces of darkness and evil. Sadie considers this duality in her work, interested in the tension created when whimsical aesthetics coincide with darker themes and imagery. All her work is hand drawn in marker and pen, then scanned and digitally manipulated in Photoshop.
Sadie has worked as an editorial illustrator and has self-published four zines. She is the recipient of the Grand Purchase Prize from the 10th Baker & Whitehill Student Artist's Book Contest and a Gold Medal in the Scholastic Art & Writing Contest.
Sadie is currently available for freelance work. Please get in touch with her using the form under “contact”. 
MUSE Magazine
Collective Reflections 
WIREs Cognitive Science Journal
Queen's Journal
Hardwire Journal
Undergraduate Review
Self-published Zine - "Learning to Love"
Self-published Zine - "Childhood"
Self-Published Zine - "Me, Myself, & I"

2024 As We Are, Illustration Studies Building Gallery, Providence
2024 Arriving at the Exit, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence
2024 10th Baker & Whitehill Student Artist's Book Contest, Fleet Library, Providence
2023 Cezanne’s Closet, Union Gallery, Kingston
2022 Artist of the Month, The Tea Room, Kingston
2022 Queer Art Show, HARS, Kingston
2022 Honesty, Glory, and Possibility, Union Gallery, Kingston
2018 Only Some of Us Want to Be Artists, Project Gallery, Toronto
2017 Portfolio Day, Etobicoke School of the Arts, Toronto
2015 Common Object, Edward Day Gallery, Toronto
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